

hessian, normal coordinates

$FORCE group (optional, relevant for RUNTYP=HESSIAN,OPTIMIZE,SADPOINT)

This group controls the computation of the hessian matrix (the energy second derivative tensor, also known as the force constant matrix), and an optional harmonic vibrational analysis. This can be a very time consuming calculation. However, given the force constant matrix, the vibrational analysis for an isotopically substituted molecule is very cheap. Related input is HESS= in $STATPT, and the $MASS, $HESS, $GRAD, $DIPDR, $VIB groups.

  METHOD = chooses the computational method.
         = ANALYTIC is implemented only for SCFTYPs RHF,
                    ROHF, and GVB (when NPAIR is 0 or 1),
                    if the calculation does not use ECPs.
                    This is the default for these cases.
         = NUMERIC  is the default for all other cases.

        IR intensities are available only for NUMERIC runs at present.

  RDHESS = a flag to read the hessian from a $HESS group,
           rather than computing it.  This variable pertains
           only to RUNTYP=HESSIAN.  See also HESS= in the
           $STATPT group.  (default is .FALSE.)

  PURIFY = controls cleanup
           Given a $ZMAT, the hessian and dipole derivative
           tensor can be "purified" by transforming from
           Cartesians to internals and back to Cartesians.
           This effectively zeros the frequencies of the
           translation and rotation "modes", along with
           their IR intensities.  The purified quantities
           are punched out.  Purification does change the
           Hessian slightly, frequencies at a stationary
           point can change by a wave number or so.  The
           change is bigger at non-stationary points.
           (default=.FALSE. if $ZMAT is given)

  PRTIFC = prints the internal coordinate force constants.
           You MUST have defined a $ZMAT group to use this.

    --- the next four apply only to METHOD=NUMERIC ----

  NVIB   =    Number of displacements in each Cartesian
              direction for force field computation.
         = 1  Move one VIBSIZ unit in each positive
              Cartesian direction.  This requires 3N+1
              evaluations of the wavefunction, energy, and
              gradient, where N is the number of SYMMETRY
              UNIQUE atoms given in $DATA.  (default)
         = 2  Move one VIBSIZ unit in the positive direction
              and one VIBSIZ unit in the negative direction.
              This requires 6N+1 evaluations of the
              wavefunction and gradient, and gives a small
              improvement in accuracy.  In particular, the
              frequencies will change from NVIB=1 results by
              no more than 10-100 wavenumbers, and usually 
              much less.  However, the normal modes will be
              more nearly symmetry adapted, and the residual
              rotational and translational "frequencies"
              will be much closer to zero.

  VIBSIZ =    Displacement size (in Bohrs). Default=0.01
         Let 0 mean the Vib0 geometry, and 
         D mean all the displaced geometries

  NPRT   = 1  Print orbitals at 0 and D
         = 0  Print orbitals at 0 only (default)

  NPUN   = 2  Punch all orbitals at 0 and D
         = 1  Punch all orbitals at 0 and occupied orbs at D
         = 0  Punch all orbitals at 0 only (default)

    ----- the rest control normal coordinate analysis ----

  VIBANL = flag to activate vibrational analysis.
           (the default is .TRUE. for RUNTYP=HESSIAN, and
           otherwise is .FALSE.)

  SCLFAC = scale factor for vibrational frequencies, used
           in calculating the zero point vibrational energy.
           Some workers correct for the usual overestimate
           in SCF frequencies by a factor 0.89.  The output
           always prints unscaled frequencies, this value
           is used only in the thermochemical analysis.
           (Default is 1.0)

  TEMP   = an array of up to ten temperatures at which the
           thermochemistry should be printed out.  The
           default is a single temperature, 298.15 K.

  FREQ   = an array of vibrational frequencies.  If the
           frequencies are given here, the hessian matrix
           is not computed or read.  You enter any imaginary
           frequencies as negative numbers, omit the
           zero frequencies corresponding to translation
           and rotation, and enter all true vibrational
           frequencies.  Thermodynamic properties will be
           printed, nothing else is done by the run.

  PRTSCN = flag to print contribution of each vibrational
           mode to the entropy.  (Default is .FALSE.)

  DECOMP = activates internal coordinate analysis.
           Vibrational frequencies will be decomposed into
           "intrinsic frequencies", by the method of
           J.A.Boatz and M.S.Gordon, J.Phys.Chem., 93,
           1819-1826(1989).  If set .TRUE., the $ZMAT group
           may define more than 3N-6 (3N-5) coordinates.

  PROJCT = controls the projection of the hessian matrix.
           The projection technique is described by
           W.H.Miller, N.C.Handy, J.E.Adams in J. Chem.
           Phys. 1980, 72, 99-112.  At stationary points,
           the projection simply eliminates rotational and
           translational contaminants.  At points with
           non-zero gradients, the projection also ensures
           that one of the vibrational modes will point
           along the gradient, so that there are a total of
           7 zero frequencies.  The other 3N-7 modes are
           constrained to be orthogonal to the gradient.
           Because the projection has such a large effect on
           the hessian, the hessian punched is the one
           BEFORE projection.  For the same reason, the
           default is .FALSE. to skip the projection, which
           is mainly of interest in dynamical calculations.