GVB - Reference

* * * Other open shell SCF cases (GVB) * * *

Genuine GVB-PP runs will be discussed later in this section. First, we will consider how to do open shell SCF with the GVB part of the program.
It is possible to do other open shell cases with the GVB code, which can handle the following cases:
one open shell, doublet:
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO(1)=1 $END
two open shells, triplet:
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=2 NO(1)=1,1 $END
two open shells, singlet:
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=2 NO(1)=1,1 $END
Note that the first two cases duplicate runs which the ROHF module can do better. Note that all of these cases are really ROHF, since the default for NPAIR in $SCF is 0.
Many open shell states with degenerate open shells (for example, in diatomic molecules) can be treated as well. There is a sample of this in the 'Input Examples' section of this manual.
If you would like to do any cases other than those shown above, you must derive the coupling coefficients ALPHA and BETA, and input them with the occupancies F in the $SCF group.
Mariusz Klobukowski of the University of Alberta has shown how to obtain coupling coefficients for the GVB open shell program for many such open shell states. These can be derived from the values in Appendix A of the book "A General SCF Theory" by Ramon Carbo and Josep M. Riera, Springer-Verlag (1978). The basic rule is
   (1) F(i) = 1/2 * omega(i)
   (2) ALPHA(i) = alpha(i)
   (3) BETA(i) = - beta(i),
where omega, alpha, and beta are the names used by Ramon in his Tables.
The variable NSETO should give the number of open shells, and NO should give the degeneracy of each open shell. Thus the 5-S state of carbon would have NSETO=2, and NO(1)=1,3.
Some specific examples, for the lowest term in each of the atomic P N configurations are
! p**1 2-P state
F(1)= 1.0 0.16666666666667
ALPHA(1)= 2.0 0.33333333333333 0.00000000000000
BETA(1)= -1.0 -0.16666666666667 -0.00000000000000 $END
! p**2 3-P state
F(1)= 1.0 0.333333333333333
ALPHA(1)= 2.0 0.66666666666667 0.16666666666667
BETA(1)= -1.0 -0.33333333333333 -0.16666666666667 $END
! p**3 4-S state
! p**4 3-P state
F(1)= 1.0 0.66666666666667
ALPHA(1)= 2.0 1.33333333333333 0.83333333333333
BETA(1)= -1.0 -0.66666666666667 -0.50000000000000 $END
! p**5 2-P state
F(1)= 1.0 0.83333333333333
ALPHA(1)= 2.0 1.66666666666667 1.33333333333333
BETA(1)= -1.0 -0.83333333333333 -0.66666666666667 $END
Be sure to give all the digits, as these are part of a double precision energy formula.
Coupling constants for d N configurations are
! d**1 2-D state
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO=5 COUPLE=.TRUE. F(1)=1.0,0.1
ALPHA(1)= 2.0, 0.20, 0.00
BETA(1)=-1.0,-0.10, 0.00 $END
! d**2 average of 3-F and 3-P states
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO=5 COUPLE=.TRUE. F(1)=1.0,0.2
ALPHA(1)= 2.0, 0.40, 0.05
BETA(1)=-1.0,-0.20,-0.05 $END
! d**3 average of 4-F and 4-P states
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO=5 COUPLE=.TRUE. F(1)=1.0,0.3
ALPHA(1)= 2.0, 0.60, 0.15
BETA(1)=-1.0,-0.30,-0.15 $END
! d**4 5-D state
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO=5 COUPLE=.TRUE. F(1)=1.0,0.4
ALPHA(1)= 2.0, 0.80, 0.30
BETA(1)=-1.0,-0.40,-0.30 $END
! d**5 6-S state
! d**6 5-D state
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO=5 COUPLE=.TRUE. F(1)=1.0,0.6
ALPHA(1)= 2.0, 1.20, 0.70
BETA(1)=-1.0,-0.60,-0.50 $END
! d**7 average of 4-F and 4-P states
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO=5 COUPLE=.TRUE. F(1)=1.0,0.7
ALPHA(1)= 2.0, 1.40, 0.95
BETA(1)=-1.0,-0.70,-0.55 $END
! d**8 average of 3-F and 3-P states
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO=5 COUPLE=.TRUE. F(1)=1.0,0.8
ALPHA(1)= 2.0, 1.60, 1.25
beta(1)=-1.0,-0.80,-0.65 $end
! d**9 2-D state
$SCF NCO=xx NSETO=1 NO=5 COUPLE=.TRUE. F(1)=1.0,0.9
ALPHA(1)= 2.0, 1.80, 1.60
BETA(1)=-1.0,-0.90,-0.80 $END
The source for these values is R.Poirier, R.Kari, and I.G.Csizmadia's book Handbook of Gaussian
Basis Sets, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1985.
Note that GAMESS can do a proper calculation on the ground terms for the d 2 , d 3 , d 7 , and d 8 configurations only by means of state averaged MCSCF. For d 8 , use
$GUGDM2 WSTATE(1)=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0 $END
Open shell cases such as s**1,d**n are probably most easily tackled with the state-averaged MCSCF program.

* * * True GVB perfect pairing runs * * *

True GVB runs are obtained by choosing NPAIR nonzero. If you wish to have some open shell electrons in addition to the geminal pairs, you may add the pairs to the end of any of the GVB coupling cases shown above. The GVB module assumes that you have reordered your MOs into the order: NCO double occupied orbitals, NSETO sets of open shell orbitals, and NPAIR sets of geminals (with NORDER=1 in the $GUESS group).
Each geminal consists of two orbitals and contains two singlet coupled electrons (perfect
pairing). The first MO of a geminal is probably heavily occupied (such as a bonding MO u), and
the second is probably weakly occupied (such as an antibonding, correlating orbital v). If you
have more than one pair, you must be careful that the initial MOs are ordered u1, v1, u2, v2...,
which is -NOT- the same order that RHF starting orbitals will be found in. Use NORDER=1 to
get the correct order.
These pair wavefunctions are actually a limited form of MCSCF. GVB runs are much faster than MCSCF runs, because the natural orbital u,v form of the wavefunction permits a Fock operator based optimization. However, convergence of the GVB run is by no means assured. The same care in selecting the correlating orbitals that you would apply to an MCSCF run must also be used for GVB runs. In particular, look at the orbital expansions when choosing the starting orbitals, and check them again after the run converges.
GVB runs will be carried out entirely in orthonormal natural u,v form, with strong orthogonality enforced on the geminals. Orthogonal orbitals will pervade your thinking in both initial orbital selection, and the entire orbital optimization phase (the CICOEF values give the weights of the u,v orbitals in each geminal). However, once the calculation is converged, the program will generate and print the nonorthogonal, generalized valence bond orbitals. These GVB orbitals are an entirely equivalent way of presenting the wavefunction, but are generated only after the fact. Convergence of true GVB runs is by no means as certain as convergence of RHF, UHF, ROHF, or GVB with NPAIR=0. You can assist convergence by doing a preliminary RHF or ROHF calculation, and use these orbitals for GUESS=MOREAD. Few, if any, GVB runs with NPAIR non-zero will converge without using GUESS=MOREAD. Generation of MVOs during the preliminary SCF can also be advantageous. In fact, all the advice outlined for MCSCF computations below is germane, for GVB-PP is a type of MCSCF computation.
The total number of electrons in the GVB wavefunction is given by the following formula:
          NE = 2*NCO + sum 2*F(i)*NO(i) + 2*NPAIR
The charge is obtained by subtracting the total number of protons given in $DATA. The multiplicity is implicit in the choice of alpha and beta constants. Note that ICHARG and MULT must be given correctly in $CONTRL anyway, as the number of electrons from this formula is double checked against the ICHARG value.

* * * the special case of TCSCF * * *

The wavefunction with NSETO=0 and NPAIR=1 is called GVB-PP(1) by Goddard, two configuration SCF (TCSCF) by Schaefer or Davidson, and CAS-SCF with two electrons in two orbitals by others. Note that this is just semantics, as these are all identical. This is a very important type of wavefunction, as TCSCF is the minimum acceptable treatment for singlet biradicals. The TCSCF wavefunction can be obtained with SCFTYP=MCSCF, but it is usually much faster to use the Fock based SCFTYP=GVB. Because of its importance, the TCSCF function
if desired, with possible open shells) permits analytic hessian computation.
                     * * * A caution about symmetry * * *
Caution! Some exotic calculations with the GVB program do not permit the use of symmetry.
The symmetry algorithm in GAMESS was "derived assuming that the electronic charge density transforms according to the completely symmetric representation of the point group", Dupuis/King, JCP, 68, 3998(1978 ). This may not be true for certain open shell cases, and in fact during GVB runs, it may not be true for closed shell singlet cases!
First, consider the following correct input for the singlet-delta state of NH:
$SCF NCO=3 NSETO=2 NO(1)=1,1 $END
for the x 1 y 1 state, or for the x 2 -y 2 state,
$SCF NCO=3 NPAIR=1 CICOEF(1)=0.707,-0.707 $END
Neither gives correct results, unless you enter NOSYM=1. The electronic term symbol is degenerate, a good tip off that symmetry cannot be used. However, some degenerate states can still use symmetry, because they use coupling constants averaged over all degenerate states within a single term, as is done in EXAM15 and EXAM16. Here the "state averaged SCF" leads to a charge density which is symmetric, and these runs can exploit symmetry.
Secondly, since GVB runs exploit symmetry for each of the "shells", or type of orbitals, some calculations on totally symmetric states may not be able to use symmetry. An example is CO or N2 , using a three pair GVB to treat the sigma and pi bonds. Individual configurations such as (sigma)**2,(pi-x)**2,(pi-y*)**2 do not have symmetric charge densities since neither the pi nor pi* level is completely filled. Correct answers for the sigma-plus ground states result only if you input NOSYM=1.
Problems of the type mentioned should not arise if the point group is Abelian, but will be fairly common in linear molecules. Since GAMESS cannot detect that the GVB electronic state is not totally symmetric (or averaged to at least have a totally symmetric density), it is left up to you to decide when to input NOSYM=1. If you have any question about the use of symmetry, try it both ways. If you get the same energy, both ways, it remains valid to use symmetry to speed up your run.
And beware! Brain dead computations, such as RHF on singlet O2 , which actually is a half filled degenerate shell, violate the symmetry assumptions, and also violate nature. Use of partially filled degenerate shells always leads to very wild oscillations in the RHF energy, which is how the program tries to tell you to think first, and compute second. Configurations such as pi**2, e**1, or f2u **4 can be treated, but require GVB wavefunctions and F, ALPHA, BETA values from the sources mentioned.